Do you need to locate problems inside your drains efficiently and accurately using a CCTV drain camera?
What are the benefits of using CCTV Drain Camera?
There are four beneficial reasons how using a CCTV drain camera with a locating transmitter (a sonde) that can save you time and money.
The first reason is that a CCTV drain camera allows you to see the condition of the inside of your buried drainage pipes. You can accurately determine whether your drain requires repairs and how urgent the repairs need to be. The camera will reveal in colour whether your drainage pipes are badly affected by tree roots, broken or whether they have some other obstruction in them.
The CCTV drain Camera takes the guess work out of how much of your drain pipe needs to be repaired and what sort of repairs are required.
The second reason for using a CCTV drain camera with a locating sonde is that the sonde allows you to accurately locate the problems. The sonde attached to the camera head sends a signal back to the ground level. This signal is traced using an electronic receiver. The operator can then mark the location and depth on the ground directly above the problem and on a plan.
The CCTV drain camera helps keep excavations to a minimum when repairs are undertaken.
The third reason for using a CCTV Drain Camera is that it does not lie. In conjunction with a DVD burner or memory stick a visual image of any problems can be stored. This image can be used in the future when seeking quotes for repairs and when having drains cleaned. It is also a very useful tool for litigation where bad workmanship has occurred. You can also ask for written report or for the problems to be recorded on a drainage plan, if you have one.
The CCTV drain Camera provides an accurate record of the inside of your pipes.
The final reason for using a CCTV Drain Camera is that any quotes for repairs will be accurate and the work quoted will be consistent. Combining the stored images with ground or plan markings produced with the aid of the sonde takes all of the guess work out of quoting.
If you are in need of a CCTV Drain Camera Plumbing Services in Canberra you can call 6 Star Hot water a Plumbing on 61619417 or to find out more about how we can help you go to
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